Meyer Goerlitz Tele Megor 18cm f5.5 (Leica screw mount)

Lens Data

Lens Unit

Lens Photo

設計:Stephan Roeschlein

Production : 1935
Designed : Stephan Roeschlein
Mount : Leica screw mount (L39) coupled.
composition : 2 group 4 lens
number of production : not many.

Lens Impression

テレ・メゴールレンズは1931年ごろHugo Meyer社のStephan Roeschleinによって設計されました。Heltmut Thiele氏の「Grosses Fabrikationsbuch Meyer-Optik」にも1931年に出荷された個体の記載があります。
同社(Meyer Optik)の社史を読むと、1932年を写真界の電子化が始まった年、そして8mm映画の実用化によって、動画が特権階級の独占物ではなくなった年として記載されています。8mm映画のみならず、電気式露出計や、レンズ設計用のコンピューターの実用化(その2年前)が具体例として掲げられています。

社史によると、テレ・メゴールレンズは1932年に75mm,100mm,150mm f4が明るく高性能な軽量レンズとして市場を驚かせたとのことですが、当時大判カメラ用には同程度の明るさのPlasmatレンズや、Trioplanレンズなどはすでに生産されていましたので、おそらくこの記述は、こうした小型カメラや映画用カメラの望遠レンズとしての記載かと思われます。

この1932-3年というのはおそらく、上記のような環境変化だけでなく、Hugo Meyer社にとって会社運営に関しても大きな曲がり角となった時期ではないかと思われます。1919年からそこまでレンズ設計の責任を権限を保持していたと思われる、Dr.Paul Rudolphルドルフ博士が1933年に退社すると同時にStephan Roeschleinがその後任として指導力を高めた時期と考えられ、その具体的な現象として、同社のレンズ生産は、それまでの「Plasmat系列」を中心としたラインから、「Trioplan、Primotarなど」を中心としたラインに明らかに切り替えられております。大型カメラや一部の富裕層向けの高額なレンズ生産から、小型カメラ・小型ムービーカメラへの強力なシフトを行っていった同社の姿が思い浮かびます。


Tele Megor lens was designed by Stephan Roeschlein / Hugo Meyer Goerlitz in around 1931. In the book of 「Grosses Fabrikationsbuch Meyer-Optik」
by Mr. Heltmut Thiele, we can find some records which had been produced in 1931.
As reading the Company History of Meyer Optik, it mentioned the year 1932 as the year that the Electrification of Photographic Industry had started or the year that the movie ceased to be a privileged monopoly because of the practical realization of narrow 8mm movie camera. It also mentioned the electric exposure meter and the utilization of computer for the calculation of lens design as the concrete examples.

In accordance to the Company History of Meyer Optik, it mentioned Tele Megor lenses of 75mm,100mm,150mm f4 appeared in 1932 which surprised the market as high performance light lens at that time. However they already produced other Plasmat or Trioplan lenses with similar performance for the large format photography, I think these sentences were about the lenses for small format cameras or small movie cameras.

I estimate the year 1932-3 would be the big turning point of Meyer Optik company along with the above transition of circumstances. Dr.Paul Rudolph who would have been keeping major authority and responsibility of lens design and production in the company resigned in 1933 , and Stephan Roeschlein took over the role. The reality is that the number of production of lenses of Meyer Optik apparently changed from the line of ‘Plasmat and its company’ to ‘Trioplan and Primotar and others’ from around the year. I can imagine the scene they shifted their main production from the lenses for large format cameras and lenses for rich people to the lenses for small cameras and small movie cameras.

This 18cmf5.5 lens was designed originally coupled to Leica screw mount which at that time the representative of small format cameras. The production was smaller than those of Exakta or M42 mount. Rather rare and beautiful lens it is.

  Photos with Tele Megor 18cm f5.5
Mille miglia inJapan
Hugo Meyer社望遠レンズの代表であるテレメゴールですので、描写に何も不安はありません。細身のレンズで開放F値が暗いですから、木々に囲まれて暗い中かなりISO感度を上げて撮影していますので、画像の粒状性が少し気になりますね。

The 2018 Mille Miglia started under a threatening sky.
These photos were taken before start during their movement from maintenance station to the starting point.
I seldom use this 180mm lens the longent for me, so this was a very good chance to get such long distance to the subjects.
The description of this respresentative telephoto lens of Hugo Meyer is so satisfactory. As f5.5 at full aperture is rather slow , I took these photos with high ISO sensitivity, so I feel some concern about the graininess of photos a little.
Yokota Base Friendship day



I joined the Friendship Day event of Yokota air base. What surprised me was the number of people joined, it was very much crowed around the entrance of the base. But the inside of the base was very broad, so I could walk around freely. Many fighters and transport aircraft stand in line along taxiway which gave me massive impression, however because the distance from end to end was too far to let me go into dehydration stage.

The description of Tele Megor is very clear and almost no distortion around. I felt it also gives me ‘powerful’ impression. Definitely it is the dependable lens with its smart appearance.
